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Oct. 23rd

The Workplace Color Spectrum®

In this #MeToo era, calling out sexual harassment or telling someone he or she is a harasser can cause a total breakdown in communication where no problems are solved.

The absolute key to resolving any workplace conflict is good communication. So in order to eliminate adversarial posturing and support good communication, we created a shared language and a common identification of behaviors which is simple, easy to remember and not personal. We color code conduct so people describe conduct (not people) in non-offensive, non-adversarial terms. We call it the Workplace Color Spectrum®. The Spectrum describes a range of behavior—from healthy to toxic and includes green, yellow, orange and red:

  • Green means consciously shifting your perspective, being socially aware and respectful of others. You bring your best self to work when you’re green.
  • Yellow means being unconscious and reactive to people and situations. You’re not your best self when yellow.
  • Orange means consciously engaging in risky behavior by referencing legally protected characteristics (race, sex, gender, etc.) regardless of co-workers’ comfort. You’re engaging in risky behavior when you’re orange.
  • Red means the orange behavior happens frequently, negatively affecting and making the workplace toxic. Red conduct is illegal.

Many Emtrain clients use the Workplace Color Spectrum® infographic as posters in their workplace to remind people to use the shared language when giving feedback.

Download it now to start using as a shared language in your workplace to guide actions in a depersonalized, non-adversarial way.

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