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Oct. 23rd

Unconscious Bias Skill-Building Curriculum

Skill-building is essential for a successful and productive team.
Change behavior for the better and create an inclusive, respectful workplace with this easy to implement and powerful training modules.

Renowned Bias Expert Joan C. Williams & Center for WorkLife Law Collaborate with Emtrain on Bias Interrupters Microlesson Series

Mitigate bias in your workplace with research-based content and strategies! Click on one of the microlessons below to preview the content and learner experience.

Interested in how they work? Click on either microlessons above or learn how you can get all 5 in a single course!

How does it work?

Start with a Foundational Course

With our most popular and new version of Emtrain’s Unconscious Bias Course and train annually to see a lasting impact. We introduce the Two Gear Method to help minimize bias and ensure employees are making informed, unbiased decisions.

Managing Unconscious Bias Training Course

Improve skills with microlessons

Guide your employees on how to be more intentional about inclusion, allyship, decision-making and more!

Microlessons Cover Art

See your organization become more inclusive

Achievable with a well-balanced training curriculum.

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For a full list of interactive Ethics, Respect, and Inclusion training courses and microlessons.