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Oct. 23rd

Fostering Respect and Inclusion in Tech

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With the recent launch of Reid Hoffman’s Decency Pledge, there has been renewed discussion around the biased, unhealthy environment prevalent in the Tech industry. It is clear there is much work to do to create a healthier inclusive culture with a level playing field.

Experience Harassment or Bias in Tech?

In response to this recent wave of harassment incidents and confessions, and to help raise the bar in the Tech Industry, Emtrain is hosting an confidential Q&A service providing a way for people to share experiences, concerns and questions.  All questions and stories will be posted confidentially, ensuring that identities are protected. Emtrain Experts will respond to experiences or questions and offer guidance where appropriate.

Join The Conversation

Read anonymous stories by real people and see what our experts have to say about it! You will also see what others are sharing, or be the one to ask a question, or share a story.

See Questions and Answers from Experts

Discover the answers and best practices suggested by Emtrain Experts: Patti Perez, author of CA law on harassment; Joelle Emerson, CEO of Paradigm and expert on unconscious bias; Sally March, the former Ethics Officer at the BBC and Janine Yancey, workplace harassment expert and Emtrain CEO.

After questions and stories are posted, one of the experts will review and respond. Your questions and experiences can help make the tech world a better place!

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Alicia Busse

Okay, you got this far.
Let’s get compliant.