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Oct. 23rd
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  • All Employees (2 min)
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Establishing Healthy Norms of Behavior

Establishing Healthy Norms of Behavior

Shared Norms and Workplace Culture

Spot problem areas for compliance, and measure employee understanding of your compliance policies. There are 4 key workplace indicators that drive corporate ethics - decision making, organizational norms, accountability, and trust. Do you know how your organization stacks up in these areas? Ensure that your workforce is acting in your organization's best interest, following the processes that have been laid out, and making the most ethical decisions.

Microlesson Description

In this microlesson, we demonstrate what a shared sense of “what’s ok” looks like, creating a healthy, respectful workplace. There are rules of the road that keep everyone on track - and ensures that everyone understands expectations.

Key Concepts
  • Shared understanding and expectations around behavior are a key element in creating a healthy work culture.
  • We can all support positive work norms through the choices we make and the actions we take.
  • While lots of things go into a healthy work culture, the ability to give and receive honest, conduct-focused feedback is among the most important.

Microlesson Features

  • Employee sentiment pulsing questions that provide leaders with insights into their workforce's core cultural competencies
  • Emtrain's Expert Answers tool, enabling employeees to submit anonymous questions about sensitive issues.
  • Rich, contemporary video scences illustrating key concepts through realistic scenarios
  • A data driven, skill-based approach to eLearning that establishes a shared language for employees.
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